To Create Impact, It Takes More than just One-on-One

I’ve gotten asked so many times before, “Why don’t you do one-on-one counseling to help people with their nutrition, instead of Employee Wellness?” My response: “Because I don’t want to just impact one person at a time – I want to impact the masses every opportunity I...

The Hunger Level Scale

When we are born, our hunger and fullness cues are prominent. We cry when we are hungry and we push mom’s breast or the bottle away when we are full. However, as we start to get older, those cues tend to get lost. We either grow up as part of the “you can’t get up...

The Best Diets for 2019

It’s that time of year. It’s January and U.S. News & World Report released their Best and Top 41 Diets for 2019 and I am ecstatic to be talking about them. And I know, you’re probably wondering, “But Gisela, I thought you weren’t focused on diets.” Now, that is...